A Quick Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Usage Demonstration
A little Background :- As we know,now-a-days almost every Enterprise app(specially over web) has implemented OAuth 2.0 security framework.In salesforce development practice , there are integration scenarios with various kinds of applications. eg. Salesforce to linkedIn , Salesforce to Facebook, Salesforce to Twitter, Salesforce to Google, Salesforce to Salesforce, Salesforce to any On Premise Application Integration or other way around. Generally we have to deal with Oauth 2.0 framework. Objective :- I will demonstrate salesforce Oauth 2.0 by connecting two salesforce dev orgs .We will use various authentication flows like web-server,user-agent,username-password etc. Assumptions :- 1. Dev Org 1 is behaving as client application. 2. Dev Org 2 is our lovely salesforce org. 3. OAuth 2.0 framework is a guard here which needs Acess token and it will treat Dev1 Client org in Dev2 Org as guest. Note:- Dev org 1 ultimate goal is to get acess token to get entry into...